Mikhail Kollontay
composer, pianist





Second Symphony

for full symphony orchestra

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op.16 (1978; 1981)

Dedication: to Veronika Dudarova

Picc, 2 Fl (II=Picc.II), 2 Ob, 2 Cl (II=Cl.b), Cl.picc (=Cl.III), 2 Fag (II=C-fag)//4 Cor, 3 Tr, 3 Tr-ni+Tuba//Timp, T-no, P- tti, P-tto sosp, Tam-tam//Sil//Arpa//Archi

1. Preludio
2. Rondo
3. Andante
4. Finale

Theatralization: impossible

Duration: 22′

Performance: Main version of 1981: Gorky Philharmonic Symphony, conductor Izrael Gusman; Suzdal, May, from 15 to 20, 1982 (the exact date unknown).

preliminary version of 1978: Moscow Symphony, conductor Veronika Dudarova; Moscow, Tchaikovsky Hall, November 30, 1978.

Extra info
while editing, one movement was cut (Intermezzo before Final), some changing were made, the second movement was totally recomposed (basing on the same material).

the manuscript of the preliminary edition score: the author's archive

preliminary version audio: author's website

full score: М.Ермолаев / M.Yermolayev / Вторая симфония / Second Symphony / для большого симфонического оркестра / for full symphony orchestra / партитура / score // М.: Советский композитор / Soviet Composer, 1983.

orchestral parts: library of the Moscow Union of Composers, library of the author

audio-recording of the main edition of 1981: Radio and TV Symphony Orchestra, Moscow, conductor Mikhail Kollontay - Moscow, July 2017 (exact dates unknown)

publication of the audio: no information

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Mikhail Kollontay, 2008-2025